Outfit Details:
Debora: Jacket (SheIn), Blouse (Zaful), Jeans (Levi’s), Cinto (Amazon), Bag (Aliexpress, Similar), Shoes (Vizanno)
Benjamin: Sweater (Banana Republic – Similar), Jeans (Levi’s), Shoes (Aldo – Similar)
Hello Everyone,
My husband Benjamin and I dated long distance throughout our entire relationship. We now have been married for four years, but we still love to go on dates and catch up on all the dates we didn’t get to go on when I lived in Brazil, thousands of miles away from him.
Although some might say we are still “newlyweds” I say we still need to invest in our relationship every day. To me, quality of time is one of the most important things in a relationship. So we always make sure to go on at least one date per week. We don’t have a set date night because we don’t have kids yet, and we know we go out way more than we probably should. But it is nice to go out with a purpose and know this is a time for us, and not just a quick meal because I didn’t want to cook that night!
We also make sure to appreciate and support each other, we celebrate each other’s achievements, and always, always say sorry! We learned that the most mature person says sorry first, so of course, we are very mature around here… hehe! But it is true that apologizing demonstrates love. We recognize we didn’t treat each other right, and we try again! Of course, like any other couples, we have our share of conflicts, but these are some of the things we learn in the past four years that keep the romance alive in our relationship.
Last year, we did an elegant Valentine’s photo shoot at the Venice Canals in Los Angeles, Valentine’s Day: Love is in the Air!, but since not every date has to be fancy, this year we decided to go on a coffee date. We went to The Stonehaus, a beautiful restaurant in Westlake Village (They serve meals too). Drinking coffee is one of our favorite things to do together. Almost every week Ben and I go on a coffee date. He orders an expresso and I get a vanilla latte. Sometimes we work on our computers, and sometimes we just chat. But no matter what we do, we like to spend time together. Being together is a gift we fought so hard for. I hope this feeling never goes away!

Since it was a little cold, I wore this gorgeous fur jacket from SheIn. I am so impressed with the quality and beauty of this jacket, also available in white. I’ve been wanting a fur jacket for a while, but it is never cold enough in Southern California to wear one. This style from Shein, however, is lighter, so it is perfect for California winter, or fall like weather! The pearls attached in the leather are the perfect romantic touch. My beautiful eyelet blouse with a bow is from Zaful. My jeans are from Levi’s, and the belt is from Amazon. My shoes are from Brazil, but I’ve found a couple of similar styles available in the US.

What is your favorite thing to do keep the romance alive?
Até a próxima,
Beijos :**
Debora Dahl
Ben Dahl